CRC Food Grade Anti-Seize & Lubricating Compound


CRC Food Grade Anti-Seize & Lubricating Compound is a premium quality anti-seize compound developed specifically for use in applications where incidental food contact is possible and is composed entirely of ingredients that meet NSF H1 requirements. The aluminium complex based anti-seize protects metal parts from seizure, galling, rust, corrosion and heat freeze by tenaciously adhering to the metal surface. Food Grade Anti-Seize & Lubricating Compound provides a degree of safety and protection unsurpassed by any other product.


Recommended for use on all types of food processing machinery to lubricate fittings, bushings, flanges, headers, nuts, screws, studs threaded surfaces, pipes, plugs and manifolds to prevent seizing and galling of surfaces


NSF H1 Registered for use in meat and poultry plants. Non-staining, odourless and tasteless. Prevents rust and corrosion. High temperature resistance. Up to 1800°F. Facilitates fast and easy disassembly. Saves time in taking apart components.

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