SABER Burrs Non-Ferrous Cut Cylindrical with Ball Nose
Non-Ferrous Cut Burrs are designed for rapid stock removal with minimum chip loading resulting in longer life and reduced clogging.
Non-Ferrous Cut Burrs are for use on non-ferrous and non-metallic materials such as aluminium, brass, copper, bronze, coarse plastic, hard rubber, reinforced plastic and fibreglass composite.
Harder materials require slower running speeds.
Smaller burrs require faster running speeds.
Long shank burrs require slower speeds for safety reasons.
Apply constant movement and light pressure when using the burr.
Running below the optimum speed will cause chipping.
Running above optimum speed will cause premature tooth wear.
Allowing the burr to become too hot may cause the braze to soften, and cause the head to become detached from the shank.
Using tools and collets which have become worn will cause chipping.
Do not sink the burr for more than one third of its periphery.