CRC Etch It
CRC Etch It is a single pack etch primer with excellent adhesion to bare metal. It is formulated for etching and key-coating bare aluminium, stainless steel, brass, copper and galvanised metal surfaces and forms a tenacious key coat to provide adhesion for a paint system.
Shake can until agitator ball is moving freely and then for at least 1 further minute to ensure content is thoroughly mixed. Apply one thin coat with smooth even strokes to clean, dry surface holding can approximately 25cm from surface. When finished spraying, clean valve by turning can upside down and pressing button until only pressure escapes.
Provides adhesion for top coating aluminium, stainless steel, brass, copper and galvanised iron. Tough durable film. Fast drying. Compatible with most standard decorative paint systems for metals. Effective on clean metals. Ready to Use Aerosol – No additional mixing or chemical additives required. Easy application. No clean up.