CHEMTOOLS Rapidstick™ 8569 Thread Sealant (Multi-Use, Fine Threads)

Rapidstick™ 8569 Thread Sealant (Multi-Use, Fine Threads)


Rapidstick™ 8569 is suitable for use on all fine metal threads requiring a guaranteed and lasting seal. It is ideal for hydraulic and pneumatic fittings, and is resistant to loosening from vibration and shock.

8569 prevents corrosion on pipes and fittings, and will not creep, shrink, gall, migrate, or block systems. It is ideal for sealing against gases, water, LPG, hydrocarbons, oils, and other chemicals, and is widely used in metal and fibre plants, paper processing plants, chemical processing plants, waste treatment facilities, and textile processing and equipment.

Note: It is recommended to prime inactive metals first with Rapidstick™ 8-3471 Anaerobic Adhesives Primer.


Specifications (refer to TDS for full details)

  • Colour: Brown
  • Disassembly Strength: High
  • Viscosity: 400 cps (Low)
  • Thread Filling: Up to 19mm (0.75”)
  • Handling Cure Time: 10 – 30 minutes
  • Temperature Range (°C): -54 to +148

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10ml Tube, 50ml Tube, 250ml Tube