CHEMTOOLS Rapidstick™ 8567 Thread Sealant (High Lubrication, Coarse Fittings)

Rapidstick™ 8567 Thread Sealant (High Lubrication, Coarse Fittings)


Rapidstick™ 8567 contains PTFE for advanced lubrication, and is ideal for coarse metal threads, pipes, and fittings. It provides an instant low pressure lock and seal to ensure no leakage occurs prior to cure.

8567 prevents corrosion and will not creep, shrink, gall, migrate, or block systems. It is ideal for all metal types, such as stainless steel, aluminium, and galvanised metals.

8567 is widely used for industrial plant fluid power systems, and is recommended for other industrial applications in the chemical processing, petroleum refinement, pulp/paper, waste treatment, textile, utilities/power generation, marine, automotive, gas compression, and distribution industries.

Note: It is recommended to prime inactive metals first with Rapidstick™ 8-3471 Anaerobic Adhesives Primer.


Specifications (refer to TDS for full details)

  • Colour: White
  • Disassembly Strength: Medium
  • Viscosity: 540,000 cps (Paste)
  • Thread Filling: Up to 76mm (3”)
  • Handling Cure Time: 10 – 30 minutes
  • Temperature Range (°C): -54 to +204

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5ml Tube, 10ml Tube, 50ml Tube, 250ml Tube