CHEMTOOLS Hydrolube Pipe Jointing Compound

Hydrolube Pipe Jointing Compound

Hydrolube Pipe Jointing Compound is a versatile, non-petroleum-based thread sealant containing PTFE in a unique composition specifically engineered to provide excellent thread sealing properties on fittings, valves, and other plumbing components. With enhanced lubrication, it allows for speedy joint connections with immediate pressurisation when used with gases, potable water, and various other liquids.

Pipe Jointing Compound is non-toxic, contains no lead or metals, and is formulated to ensure superior performance while minimising environmental impact. The compound exhibits high leak prevention performance and a reliable seal between correctly made-up tapered thread connections to 50mm (2″) diameters. It is durable and long-lasting, and designed to withstand harsh environments, reducing the need for frequent re-application.

This product has been tested to conform to:

• British Standard BS EN 751-2: 1997: ‘Sealing Materials for Metallic Thread joints in Contact with 1st, 2nd and 3rd Family Gases & Hot Water’

• British Standard BS6920-1:2014 (Part 1 and 2): ‘Suitability of Non-Metallic Products for Use in Contact with Water Intended for Human Consumption with Regard to their Effect on the Quality of the Water’

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50ml Tube, 500g Brush Top, 2.5kg Tub